Tuesday, April 19, 2011

For y'all swing folks

Another of my Internet radio discoveries...

"Swing Out!" Vintage Lindy Hop shot.
This time, it's a specialized SWING music station! Indeed, Live365 (Kingdom of Swing) plays 30s and 40s classics that are both delightful to listen and dance to. While 8tracks present mixes, this is an ongoing radio station and is not user-generated.

I may be very behind on what began with satellite radio and developed with Internet based radio and custom radio, but I can't get over how FANTASTIC it is. I'm in love.

The World Wide Web is not just a big ol' scary place full of codes, spyware and viruses. Among my all-time internet favorites: email, google, youtube, facebook and blogs in general.

Regardless of being part of this generation who "grew up" with the web, I never quite "caught" all the trends and on the rare occasion that I really *get* a tech concept, I am overly excited by all the possibilities that open up. What can I say, I never cease to be amazed with all the good that technology can bring, despite what I mumble in my office on a daily basis about design and mass-email softwares.

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