Thursday, April 7, 2011

Event Photography - Part 2: Post-processing

Food, flowers and drinks
(c) M. Déziel-Hupé
This week, I shot AOE Arts Council's AGM. Having never been assigned to this type of corporate event, I wasn't sure what to expect. I found that much like any other event, the challenges were the same.

Volunteer Gifts
(c) M. Déziel-Hupé
Lighting is always terrible, people move and some aren't very photogenic, no matter what you do to showcase their best features or get a flattering angle!

AOE Staff mix and mingle
(c) M. Déziel-Hupé
 I decided to shoot mostly in 50 mm manual focus, using medium ISO (400 or 800 and 1600 for stage shots and practically inexistant light sources) big aperture (f1.8 to f2.5), medium shutter speed (approx. 1/60s) and often synching the external flash and diffuser. I was relieved to work mostly with one lens, as this allowed me to focus on the other features of my camera. I juggled the shot list and photo opportunities in my head, balancing again, the notions of technical perfection and circumstances.

Performance by OYPTS.
(c) M. Déziel-Hupé
I believe I was able to deliver a reasonable amount of photographs to my client (aka my boss: AOE Arts Council). In my very rough evaluation, about a third were a total loss, a third were decent to good and the last third are working progresses - which means (in english) that they need to be photoshopped to correct exposure or colour balance.

ARTicipate Endowment Fund Director,
Chantal Rodier
(c) M. Déziel-Hupé
Essentially, I am feeling encouraged that I've taken the challenge and have met expectations. Well, at least, other peoples'... mine are another story!

However, shots included here are among my favourite of the evening. They are also a fair mix of the elements of the Annual General Meeting and give an adequate overview of the atmosphere: formal speeches; networking and socializing among AOE members, Board members and AOE staff; entertainment and refreshments in a decorative "artsy" environment.

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