Friday, January 28, 2011

The Snow Monster

For the first time in a while, I will not be dancing this week-end. I'm actually driving up to a cottage in Lac Sainte Marie with some friends to party it up in the fresh powder. On the menu? Snow, games, food, wine and friends.

Regardless, it feels a little strange to watch most of my dance friends attend an event I will be missing. It feels like being the sick kid who can't go play on snow day... Except, I'm the only kid playing in the snow, while all my buddies are dancing up a storm.

Then, I remind myself: there will always be dances, events and opportunities. Sometimes, the social dance world can become all consuming. I'm not complaining but many of my non-swing friends wonder what the fuss is about.

I then come to realize that I haven't shot photos in over a month. I can't remember last time I had a full week-end with my university friends and I haven't used my snowshoes since I bought them last year. Has it been that long?

It's time... I must wake the snow monster in me. Clip those snowshoes and go explore!

There's only the present and I've been neglecting other areas of my life. I haven't even enjoyed the ONLY winter sport I do practice yet. I say I should make the best of this; there's always practice on Sunday anyhow. 

What my daydream looks like..
I love the feeling of the snow flakes melting on my cheeks, the sound of the snow crunching under my steps, the odd shapes my tracks leave behind and the sight of the powder that flies after me when I run.

I'm going home, packing my sleeping bag, warm clothes, my aluminum showshoes and Caleb, of course. I'm off for an adventure. While my friends will be enjoying the slopes, I'll be trail blazing with my DSLR, reconnecting with the non-dance Mercedes and with nature.

Some solitude, a change of pace and a bit of wine is good for the soul. At the end of the day, I'll be chatting it up with old friends over veggie dishes they are preparing just for me.

Time to be creative, time to be pensive, time to exercise, time to be social and time to gossip. That's what I call balance.


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