Hot Air Balloon Festival, 2010 |
Wow! Has it been 2 months since my last entry? In all fairness, I was out, living life...or trying not to let it slip by without my surfing a few of those waves that have crushed here and there.
Festival, 2010 |
I started working as Communications Coordinator at the AOE Arts Council in Orléans (Ottawa). I have been on possibly the steepest learning curve so far. Thus, it also makes it the most exciting! While juggling the challenges of a new job, I have also been reintroduced to the joys of being a student... except that this time, it's on my terms! My photography program is tailored and offered part-time for busy-young-professionals-trying-to-better-their-conditions, such as myself. I have also auditioned and been accepted into the TNTeam swing dance bootcamp. Have I mentioned yet that I'm busy? My friend Ian - currently studying in the US - asks me today: "Are you feeling any better?" He was referring to the "broken heart" condition. My answer was: "Well, I've never been better... I've managed to be so productive, that I've worked myself sick (with a damn persistant cold might I add)." And so, I'm blogging.
Selections 2010, Juried Arts Show |
Quick review of August-September 2010. I was hired, to my bank account and creditors immense relief, in a delightful and dynamic community Arts Council. I've been learning truck loads about publications and website content management. I can also safely say that I've been schooled on many of my misconceptions about arts in Ottawa. Why, yes, we have many galleries and vernissages, and we are blessed with numerous dedicated artisans, film societies, choral societies, community theatres and contemporary dancers. Let that be known, I stand corrected: Ottawa is full of Art.
Speaking of which, I have been getting friendly with Caleb (my Nikon D3000). He and I and starting to develop some chemistry. My ratio of bad/decent photos has improved considerably; I even now have the occasional "breath-taking" shot. I've taken the Natural Light Portraits workshop with Harry Nowell and the Photojournalism and Social Documentary with David Trattles (Canadian Geographic). During this "break from blogging", I've also shot a baptism, Swing Explosion 5, a musician's portfolio and a vernissage. There may be a photographic style emerging there... Last week, I've secured myself an internship with Royale Photo Boutique - Vintage photography. Check it out: www.royalephotoboutique.com.
Theresa & Scott, Swing Explosion V |
As for swing... Well, I'll be blogging about it on http://blog.swingdynamite.com shortly! I'll be posting news about the Ottawa scene, about Swing Dynamite and I'll share discussions with Lindy Hoppers as I'll share my own experience as a student and bootcamper! Performance is on Oct. 30! Don't miss it!
Did I forget something? I suppose that's what happens when you get caught in a whirlwind.
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